var customVariables = {}; var fontsLoaded = true; var isMobile =; // WebFontConfig = { // custom: { // families: ['Noto Sans Japanese'] // }, // active: function () { // $(document).trigger('font-ready'); // fontsLoaded = true; // } // }; // (function(d) { // var wf = d.createElement('script'), s = d.scripts[0]; // wf.src = ''; // s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s); // })(document); document.getAttribute = function(){} // hack $(document).foundation({ reveal: { root_element: 'body' }, joyride: { tip_container : '.main-section', template : { // HTML segments for tip layout link : '', timer : '
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$.each(appRoutes, function(index, value) { _this.get(value.url, function() { $.get(value.templateUrl, function(d) { // set the content mainSection .css('opacity', '0') .html(d);, 0.5, {opacity:1}); $(document).foundation(); // set active menu link offcanvaslistA.removeClass('active'); var link = offcanvaslistA.closest('[data-name='+ +']'); link.addClass('active'); initQuiz(; // initSlickSlider(); executeScript(); initTween(); if (value.postTracked == undefined || value.postTracked == false) { LOProgress.set(value); } }) }); }); _this.notFound = function() { _this.runRoute('get', '/'); } }).run(); }); function AudioPlayer() { return { setup: function (params) { var self = this; =; self.button = params.button; self.button.on('click', function() { if ( {; } else {; = 0; } }); $(window).on('blur', function() { if ( {; = 0; } }); } }; } function VideoPlayer() { return { vid: null, videoController: null, transcript: [], transcriptTrack: null, transcriptContainer: null, isScrollingTranscriptContainer: false, userScrollTimeout: null, setup: function (params) { var self = this; self.vid = params.vid; self.videoController = params.videoController; self.transcript = params.transcript; self.transcriptContainer = params.transcriptContainer; // clog(self.vid) self.videoController.on('click', function() { if (self.vid.readyState < 2) { self.videoController.addClass('loading'); self.vid.load(); return; } if (self.vid.paused) {; self.videoController.css('opacity', 0); } else { self.vid.pause(); self.videoController.css('opacity', 1); } }); $(window).on('blur', function() { self.vid.pause(); self.videoController.css('opacity', 1); }); self.transcriptContainer.on('scroll', function() { clearTimeout(self.userScrollTimeout); self.userScrollTimeout = null; self.isScrollingTranscriptContainer = true; }); self.transcript.on('click', function() { self.vid.currentTime = parseFloat($(this).data('start'));; self.videoController.css('opacity', 0); }); if ( self.transcriptTrack = requestAnimationFrame(self.trackProgress.bind(self)); self.vid.addEventListener('ended', function() { self.vid.currentTime = 0; self.videoController.css('opacity', 1); }); self.vid.addEventListener('loadeddata', function() { self.videoController.trigger('click'); }); }, trackProgress: function() { // clog(this); var self = this; if (!self.vid.paused && self.vid.readyState >= 2) { var currentTime = self.vid.currentTime; self.transcript.removeClass(); self.videoController .css('opacity', 0) .removeClass('loading'); $.each(self.transcript, function(index, obj) { var obj = $(obj); var start = parseFloat('start')); var end = parseFloat('end')); if (isNaN(start) || isNaN(end)) return true; if (currentTime > start && currentTime < end) { obj.addClass('active'); return false; } }); if (self.isScrollingTranscriptContainer == false) { // set the scrolling position var activeTranscript = self.transcript.closest('.active'); if (activeTranscript.length) { var top = activeTranscript.position().top - 5; self.transcriptContainer.scrollTop( self.transcriptContainer.scrollTop() + top ); } } else { // wait for 4 sec back to autoscroll if (self.userScrollTimeout == null) { self.userScrollTimeout = setTimeout(function() { self.isScrollingTranscriptContainer = false; self.userScrollTimeout = null; }, 4000); } } } else if (!self.vid.paused) { //clog('video is loading..'); self.videoController .css('opacity', 1) .addClass('loading'); } // clog(self); if ( self.transcriptTrack = requestAnimationFrame(self.trackProgress.bind(self)); } } }; // end VideOPlayer var LOProgress = { init: function() { var self = this; self.totalProgressEl = $('#total-progress'); self.totalProgress = 0; self.visitedSection = []; }, set: function(section) { var self = this; if (self.visitedSection.indexOf(section) == -1 && section.tracked != undefined) { self.totalProgress += section.tracked; self.totalProgressEl.css('width', self.totalProgress+'%'); self.visitedSection.push(section); } } }; LOProgress.init(); function initTween() { var tl = new TimelineLite(); var timelineArr = new Array(); $('.main-section .columns').each(function (i, el) { el = $(el); // get the data-options var animationProps = Foundation.utils.data_options(el); if (animationProps.index != undefined) timelineArr[animationProps.index] = animationProps; 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} }catch (ex) {} } }); // end each }; // end executeScript var currentPageID, currentQuizGroup; function initQuiz (pageID) { currentPageID = pageID; initQuizDD(); initQuizSA(); initQuizMC(); initQuizMatching(); initQuizBtns(); initQuizAlerts(); } function initQuizAlerts() { $('.quiz .alert-box').hide(); } function initQuizBtns () { $('.quiz-next-btn').hide(); $('#quiz-submit-btn').on('click', function() { var $submitBtn = $(this); $('.quiz .alert-box').hide(); if (quizes) { var allCorrect = true, reachMaxTry = false; $.each (quizes, function (i, quiz) { var quizID =; var status = 'incorrect'; currentQuizGroup = quizGroup[]; if (currentQuizGroup.maxTry > 0) quiz.tries = parseInt(quiz.tries) + 1; var result = true; switch (quiz.quizType) { case 'mc': case 'tf': var answer = quiz.answer; var userAnswer = $('input[name='+quizID+']:checked').val(); if ( answer != userAnswer ) { result = false; } break; case 'sa': $.each (quiz.answer, function (key, val) { var answers = val.split('#'); $.each (answers, function (i, answer) { answers[i] = answer.trim(); }); var userAnswer = $('#'+key).val().trim(); if ( answers.indexOf(userAnswer) == -1) { result = false; return false; } }); break; case 'dd': $.each (quiz.answer, function (key, val) { var answer = val; var userAnswer = $('#'+key).val(); if ( answer != userAnswer ) { result = false; return false; } }); break; case 'matching': result = checkQuizMatching(); break; } quiz.result = result; // mark result in group.. $.each (currentQuizGroup.quizes, function (i, q) { if ( == currentPageID && q.quizID == quizID) { q.result = result; return false; // found - stop searching } }); if (result) { status = 'correct'; } else { if (currentQuizGroup.maxTry != 0 && quiz.tries >= currentQuizGroup.maxTry) { reachMaxTry = true; status = 'correction'; } else { allCorrect = false; status = 'incorrect'; } } $('#'+quizID+'-'+status+' .alert-box').show(); }); // end each quiz in this page! if (allCorrect || reachMaxTry) { $('.quiz-next-btn').show(); $submitBtn.hide(); checkAllQuestionInGroupAnswered(); } // end if } }); // end on click submit $('[data-alert] .close').on('click', function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); $(this).parent().hide(); }); } function checkAllQuestionInGroupAnswered () { // are all the questions answered in the group? var allAnswered = true; var totalCorrect = 0; $.each (currentQuizGroup.quizes, function (i, q) { if (q.result == undefined) { allAnswered = false; } else if (q.result) { totalCorrect++; } }); // end each clog('benar = '+totalCorrect+' dari '+currentQuizGroup.quizes.length); if (allAnswered) { clog('semua udah'); var modal = $('.modal-catel'); var htmlEl = modal.children(':not(.close-reveal-modal)'); var htmlStr = htmlEl.html(); htmlStr = htmlStr.replace('{correct}', totalCorrect); htmlStr = htmlStr.replace('{total}', currentQuizGroup.quizes.length); htmlEl.replaceWith(htmlStr);'reveal','open'); } else { clog('msi ad belum '); } } function initQuizMC () { $('.quiz-input-radio').each(function (i, el) { $(el).prop('checked', false); }); } function initQuizSA () { $('.quiz-input-sa').each(function (i, el) { $(el).val(''); }); } function initQuizDD () { $('.quiz-input-dd').children('[value="+"],[value="-"]').each(function (i, el) { $(el).remove(); }); } var dragElements = new Array(); function initQuizMatching () { dragElements = $('.draglist'); var parentSource; $.each(dragElements, function(i, el) { var sortable = Sortable.create(el, { group: 'quizMatching', animation: 150, onStart: function(e) { parentSource = $(e.item).parent(); }, onEnd: function (e) { var parent = $(e.item).parent(); if (parent.children().length > 1) { var child = parent.children().not(e.item); parentSource.append(child); } // clog(e.item); } }); }); } function checkQuizMatching() { var correctAll = true; $.each(dragElements, function(i, el) { var target = $(el); if ('drag-target') == '' ||'drag-target') == undefined) return; var drag = target.children(); var dataTarget = ''; if (drag.length) { dataTarget ='drag'); } if ('drag-target') != dataTarget) { correctAll = false; return false; } }); clog(correctAll); return correctAll; } function clog (str) { console.log(str); }