/* * FlowType.JS v1.1 * Copyright 2013-2014, Simple Focus http://simplefocus.com/ * * FlowType.JS by Simple Focus (http://simplefocus.com/) * is licensed under the MIT License. Read a copy of the * license in the LICENSE.txt file or at * http://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit * * Thanks to Giovanni Difeterici (http://www.gdifeterici.com/) */ (function($) { $.fn.flowtype = function(options) { // Establish default settings/variables // ==================================== var settings = $.extend({ maximum : 9999, minimum : 1, maxFont : 9999, minFont : 1, fontRatio : 35 }, options), // Do the magic math // ================= changes = function(el) { var $el = $(el), elw = $el.width(), width = elw > settings.maximum ? settings.maximum : elw < settings.minimum ? settings.minimum : elw, fontBase = width / settings.fontRatio, fontSize = fontBase > settings.maxFont ? settings.maxFont : fontBase < settings.minFont ? settings.minFont : fontBase; $el.css('font-size', fontSize + 'px'); }; // Make the magic visible // ====================== return this.each(function() { // Context for resize callback var that = this; // Make changes upon resize $(window).resize(function(){changes(that);}); // Set changes on load changes(this); }); }; }(jQuery));