var interactiveApp = { appRoutes: appRoutes, audioHandles: {}, currentAudioID: null, videoHandle: null, quizes: [], currentRoute: null, preloadjs: null, scormLmsConnected: false, scormTimerHandle: null, timeline:null, menuBtn: $('#menu-icon'), menuContainer: $('#menu-container') }; DEBUG = true; = true; = false; var unloaded = false; function OnUnload() { if(unloaded == false) {; pipwerks.SCORM.quit(); unloaded = true; } } $(function() { var preload = new createjs.LoadQueue(); interactiveApp.preloadjs = preload; preload.on('complete', handlePreloadComplete); $('#content, #nav-next, #nav-prev, #menu-icon, #menu-container').hide(); function handlePreloadComplete () { clog('preload complete..'); $('#preloader').hide(); $('#content, #menu-icon, #menu-container').show(); initRouting(); // interactiveApp.initSCORM(); } if (manifestToLoad == undefined) manifestToLoad = []; $.each(interactiveApp.appRoutes, function (index, value) { if (value.audioURL) { manifestToLoad.push({id:, src: value.audioURL}); } }); if (manifestToLoad.length) { // createjs.Sound.registerPlugins([createjs.HTMLAudioPlugin]); // need this so it doesn't default to Web Audio preload.installPlugin(createjs.Sound); // clog(manifestToLoad); preload.loadManifest(manifestToLoad); } else { handlePreloadComplete(); } function initRouting() { interactiveApp.mainSection = $('#interactive-container > #content'); $('body').on('click', '.confirm', function (e){ var t = $.tooltipster.instancesLatest(); if (t.length) { t[0].close(); } }); $.sammy(function() { var _this = this; $.each(interactiveApp.appRoutes, function(index, value) { _this.before(value.url, function() { for (var p in interactiveApp.audioHandles) { interactiveApp.audioHandles[p].stop(); } }); _this.get(value.url, function() { $.get(value.templateUrl, function(d) { interactiveApp.setSCOLocation(value.url); var menus = interactiveApp.menuContainer.find('a'); $.each(menus, function (i, menu) { menu = $(menu); menu.routeID = interactiveApp.getRouteID(menu.attr('href')); if (menu.routeID <= parseInt( { menu.removeClass(); } }); interactiveApp.currentRoute = value; function setContent() { $('#logo').show(); // set the content interactiveApp .mainSection .html(d); $('.modal-catel').hide(); $('.tooltip').each(function (i, el) { el = $(el); var trigger = el.hasClass('tooltip-click') ? 'click' : 'hover'; el.tooltipster({ trigger: trigger, interactive: true, contentAsHTML: true, theme: ['tooltipster-noir', 'tooltipster-noir-customized'] }); if (el.hasClass('tooltip-confirm')) { var content = '

'+$.nl2br(el.tooltipster('content'))+ '
Yes No

'; el.tooltipster('content', content); } }); executeScript(); interactiveApp.initQuiz(; interactiveApp.initTween(); $('body').off('click', 'a'); $('body').on('click', 'a', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var source = $(this); var href = source.attr('href'); if (href && /^#\//.test(href)) { window.location = href; href = href.substring(2); for (var i=0; i -1) { window.location = '#'+interactiveApp.appRoutes[index-1].url; interactiveApp.playAudio(interactiveApp.appRoutes[index-1].name); } return false; }); if (value.hideNext) { $('#nav-next').hide(); } else { $('#nav-next').show(); } if (value.hidePrev) { $('#nav-prev').hide(); } else { $('#nav-prev').show(); } if (value.hideNext && value.hidePrev) { $('#nav-prev').parent().hide(); } else { $('#nav-prev').parent().show(); } if (interactiveApp.scormLessonLocation != undefined && interactiveApp.scormLessonLocation != '') { $('#start').attr('href','#'+interactiveApp.scormLessonLocation); interactiveApp.scormLessonLocation = ''; } if (value.postTracked == undefined || value.postTracked == false) { interactiveApp.LOProgress.set(value); } } if (interactiveApp.outAnim) { interactiveApp.outAnim( setContent ); } else { setContent(); } }) }); }); }).run('#/'); } $('#interactive-container').on('click', '.action-resume-animation', function () { if (interactiveApp.timeline != null) { interactiveApp.mainSection.removeClass('tween-paused'); interactiveApp.timeline.resume(); if (interactiveApp.currentRoute.audioURL) { interactiveApp.audioHandles[].paused = false; } } $(this).off('click'); }); interactiveApp.menuContainer.css('top', '-200%'); interactiveApp.menuBtn.on('click', function() { var menu = interactiveApp.menuContainer; var btn = interactiveApp.menuBtn; if ('is-open')) {'is-open', false);, 2, {top: '-200%', ease:Expo.easeOut}); } else { clog('open dong..')'is-open', true);, .5, {top: 0, ease:Expo.easeOut}); } var icon = btn.children('img'); var tmp ='alt-img');'alt-img', icon.attr('src')); icon.attr('src', tmp); }); interactiveApp.menuContainer.on('click', 'a', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var $this = $(this); clog($this.hasClass('disabled')); if ($this.hasClass('disabled')) return false; interactiveApp.linkChange( $this.attr('href') ); }); }); interactiveApp.linkChange = function (href) { window.location = href; href = href.substring(2); for (var i=0; i ratio) { // wider h = windowHeight; w = h * ratio; ic.css({height:h, width:w}); } else if (currentRatio < ratio) { // higher w = windowWidth; h = w * proportion.h / proportion.w; ic.css({height: h, width: w}); } } resizeme(); ic.flowtype({ fontRatio : 45 }); // for quiz.. interact('#interactive-container .draggable:not(.disabled)') .draggable({ onmove: function (e) { calcPercentPos (e); var dragEl = $(;'dropped', false); }, onend: function (e) { // clog('end');return; var dragEl = $(; if ('dropped') == false) { // force return dragEl.addClass('disabled');, 0.3, { top:'orig-top'), left:'orig-left'), onComplete: function () { dragEl.removeClass('disabled');'prev-left','orig-left'));'prev-top','orig-top')); } }); } } }) interact('#interactive-container .dropzone') .dropzone({ accept: '.draggable', ondropactivate: function (e) { var dragEl = $(e.relatedTarget), parentEl = dragEl.parent(); // order on top of other parentEl.append(dragEl); // save the pos'prev-left', dragEl[0].style.left);'prev-top', dragEl[0]; }, ondragleave: function (e) { var dropArea = $(, dragEl = $(e.relatedTarget); if (dropArea.attr('data-filled') =='drag')) dropArea.removeAttr('data-filled'); }, ondrop: function (e) { // clog('drop') var dropArea = $(, dragEl = $(e.relatedTarget), left = 0, top = 0, haveToMatch = dropArea.closest('.quiz-matching').hasClass('strict'); if (haveToMatch) { if ('drag-target') !='drag')) { dragEl.addClass('disabled');, 0.3, { top:'orig-top'), left:'orig-left'), onComplete: function () { dragEl.removeClass('disabled');'prev-left','orig-left'));'prev-top','orig-top')); } }); } else { left = (parseFloat(dropArea[0].style.left) + (parseFloat(dropArea[0].style.width)-parseFloat(dragEl[0].style.width))/2) + '%'; top = (parseFloat(dropArea[0] + (parseFloat(dropArea[0].style.height)-parseFloat(dragEl[0].style.height))/2) + '%'; dropArea.attr('data-filled','drag')); dragEl.css({ 'left': left, 'top': top }); // check all filled var dropAreas = dropArea.closest('.quiz-matching').children('.dropzone'); var allFilled = true; $.each(dropAreas, function (i, el) { if ($(el).attr('data-filled') == undefined) { allFilled = false; return false; } }); if (allFilled) { $('#quiz-submit-btn').trigger('click'); } // end check all filled'dropped', true); } return; } if (dropArea.attr('data-filled') != undefined) { left ='prev-left'); top ='prev-top'); } else { left = (parseFloat(dropArea[0].style.left) + (parseFloat(dropArea[0].style.width)-parseFloat(dragEl[0].style.width))/2) + '%'; top = (parseFloat(dropArea[0] + (parseFloat(dropArea[0].style.height)-parseFloat(dragEl[0].style.height))/2) + '%'; dropArea.attr('data-filled','drag')); $('#quiz-submit-btn').removeAttr('disabled'); }'dropped', true); dragEl.css({ 'left': left, 'top': top }); } }); // end for quiz var selectedEl = {}, deselect = false; // $(document).ready(function() { // ic.on('click', '.moveable', function() { // var obj = $(this); // if (obj.hasClass('selected')) { // obj.removeClass('selected'); // delete selectedEl[obj.attr('id')]; // } else { // obj.addClass('selected'); // selectedEl[obj.attr('id')] = obj; // } // }); // }); function parseAnimAttrs (attrs) { if (attrs == undefined) return {}; var opts = {}, opts_arr = attrs.split(';'), ii = opts_arr.length; function isNumber (o) { return !isNaN (o - 0) && o !== null && o !== '' && o !== false && o !== true; } function trim (str) { if (typeof str === 'string') { return $.trim(str); } return str; } while (ii--) { p = opts_arr[ii].split(':'); p = [p[0], p.slice(1).join(':')]; if (/true/i.test(p[1])) { p[1] = true; } if (/false/i.test(p[1])) { p[1] = false; } if (isNumber(p[1])) { if (p[1].indexOf('.') === -1) { p[1] = parseInt(p[1], 10); } else { p[1] = parseFloat(p[1]); } } if (p.length === 2 && p[0].length > 0) { opts[trim(p[0])] = trim(p[1]); } } return opts; } function calcPercentPos(evt) { var obj = $(, pos = obj.position(), x = pos.left + evt.dx, y = + evt.dy; var parent = obj.parent(), wp = parent.width(), hp = parent.height(); $(obj).css({ left: x / wp * 100 + "%", top: y / hp * 100 + "%" }); }; function calcPercentSize(evt) { var obj = $(, parent = obj.parent(), wp = parent.width(), hp = parent.height(), minWidth = minHeight = 3, //percent width = evt.rect.width/wp * 100, height = evt.rect.height/hp * 100; width = width < minWidth ? minWidth : width; height = height < minHeight ? minHeight : height; $(obj).css({ width: width+"%", height: height+"%" }); }; function clog (str) { if (DEBUG) console.log(str); } var quizes; function executeScript() { // prepare new quizdata container quizes = new Array(); // remove the contenteditable $('[contenteditable]').removeAttr('contenteditable'); // execute the scripts $('.script').each (function(i, el) { el = $(el); var scriptText = el.text(); if (scriptText) { el.hide(); try { var scriptVar = eval(scriptText); if (scriptVar.quizType != undefined) { // it is a quiz! quizes.push(scriptVar); } }catch (ex) {} } }); // end each }; // end executeScript var currentQuizGroup, currentPageID; interactiveApp.initQuiz = function (pageID) { currentPageID = pageID; var alreadyAnswered = false; if (quizes && quizes.length) { currentQuizGroup = quizGroup[quizes[0].group]; $.each(currentQuizGroup.quizes, function (i, qg) { $.each(quizes, function (j, q) { // user has already answered this question // only for mc/tf if ( == qg.quizID && == currentPageID && qg.result != undefined && (q.quizType == 'mc' || q.quizType == 'tf') ) { alreadyAnswered = true; $('input[name='']') .attr('disabled', 'disabled') .closest('.moveable').css('opacity', 0.7); $('input[name=''][value='+qg.userAnswer+']') .prop('checked', true); $('input[name=''][value='+q.answer+']') .closest('.moveable').css('opacity', 1); $('#quiz-submit-btn').hide(); initQuizResponse(); var sign; if (qg.maxTry != 0 && qg.result == false) { // show correction marker $('#''-correction').show(); sign = $('#''-incorrect');; } else if (qg.result == false) { // show incorrect marker sign = $('#''-incorrect');; } else { // show correctmarker sign = $('#''-correct');; } if (sign.hasClass('timeout')) { setTimeout(function() { sign.fadeOut(); }, 4000); } } // endif }); //endeach }); // endeach } if (!alreadyAnswered) { initQuizMC(); initQuizMatching(); initQuizBtns(); initQuizResponse(); } } function initQuizBtns () { $('.quiz-next-btn').hide(); var $submitBtn = $('#quiz-submit-btn'); $submitBtn.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $submitBtn.on('click', function() { initQuizResponse (); if (quizes) { var allCorrect = true, reachMaxTry = false, notAnswered = false; $.each (quizes, function (i, quiz) { var quizID =; var status = 'incorrect'; var multipleAnswer = false; var markSelectors; var result = true; switch (quiz.quizType) { case 'mc': case 'tf': var answer = quiz.answer; var userAnswer = $('input[name='+quizID+']:checked').val(); if (userAnswer == undefined) { alert('please select answer'); notAnswered = true; return false; } quiz.userAnswer = userAnswer; if ( answer != userAnswer ) { result = false; } break; // case 'sa': // $.each (quiz.answer, function (key, val) { // var answers = val.split('#'); // $.each (answers, function (i, answer) { // answers[i] = answer.trim(); // }); // var userAnswer = $('#'+key).val().trim(); // if ( answers.indexOf(userAnswer) == -1) { // result = false; // return false; // } // }); // break; // case 'dd': // $.each (quiz.answer, function (key, val) { // var answer = val; // var userAnswer = $('#'+key).val(); // if ( answer != userAnswer ) { // result = false; // return false; // } // }); // break; case 'matching': var resultSet = checkQuizMatching(; result = resultSet.result; markSelectors = resultSet.markSelectors; break; } currentQuizGroup = quizGroup[]; if (currentQuizGroup.maxTry > 0) { quiz.tries = parseInt(quiz.tries) + 1; } quiz.result = result; // mark result in group.. $.each (currentQuizGroup.quizes, function (i, q) { if ( == currentPageID && q.quizID == quizID) { q.result = result; q.userAnswer = quiz.userAnswer; return false; // found - stop searching } }); if (result) { status = 'correct'; } else { if (currentQuizGroup.maxTry != 0 && quiz.tries >= currentQuizGroup.maxTry) { reachMaxTry = true; status = 'correction'; } else { allCorrect = false; status = 'incorrect'; } } if (markSelectors != undefined) { $(markSelectors.join(',')).fadeIn(); clog(markSelectors); if (status == 'correction') { $.each(markSelectors, function (i, m) { if (m.indexOf('-incorrect')) { var c = m.replace('incorrect', 'correction'); $(c).fadeIn(); } }); // lock the drag $('#'+quizID+' .draggable').addClass('disabled'); } } else { if (status == 'correction') { $('#'+quizID+' .correction').fadeIn(); var sign = $('#'+quizID+' .incorrect'); sign.fadeIn(); if (sign.hasClass('timeout')) { setTimeout(function() { sign.fadeOut(); }, 2000); } } else { var sign = $('#'+quizID+' .'+status); sign.fadeIn(); if (sign.hasClass('timeout')) { setTimeout(function() { sign.fadeOut(); }, 2000); } if (currentQuizGroup.maxTry != 0 && status == 'incorrect') { // show try again message var retry = $('#'+quizID+' .retry'); retry.fadeIn(); if (retry.hasClass('timeout')) { setTimeout(function() { retry.fadeOut(); }, 2000); } } } if (status != 'incorrect') { // correction or correct $('#'+quizID+' input, #'+quizID+' select') .attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if (answer != undefined) { $('#'+quizID+' input').not('[value='+answer+']') .closest('.moveable') .css('opacity', 0.7); } } } clog(status); $(document).trigger('quiz/checked', {quizID:quizID,, quizType:quiz.quizType, status:status}); }); // end each quiz in this page! if (notAnswered) { return; } // endif; if (allCorrect || reachMaxTry) { $('.quiz-next-btn').show(); $submitBtn.hide(); checkAllQuestionInGroupAnswered(); } // end if } }); // end on click submit } function checkAllQuestionInGroupAnswered () { // are all the questions answered in the group? var allAnswered = true; var totalCorrect = 0; $.each (currentQuizGroup.quizes, function (i, q) { if (q.result == undefined) { allAnswered = false; } else if (q.result) { totalCorrect++; } }); // end each clog('benar = '+totalCorrect+' dari '+currentQuizGroup.quizes.length); if (allAnswered) { clog('semua udah'); var modal = $('.modal-catel'); if (modal.length) { var htmlEl = modal.children(':not(.close-reveal-modal)'); var htmlStr = htmlEl.html(); htmlStr = htmlStr.replace('{correct}', totalCorrect); htmlStr = htmlStr.replace('{total}', currentQuizGroup.quizes.length); htmlEl.replaceWith(htmlStr); // show modal manually modal.fadeIn(); } $.each(appRoutes, function (i, el) { if ( == currentPageID) { interactiveApp.LOProgress.set(el); return false; } }); } else { clog('msi ad belum '); } } function checkQuizMatching (quizID) { var dropzones = $('#'+quizID+' .dropzone'); var resultSet = { result: true, markSelectors: [] }; $.each(dropzones, function (i, el) { el = $(el); var index = el.attr('data-drag-target') if (el.attr('data-filled') != index) { resultSet.result = false; resultSet.markSelectors.push('#'+quizID+ '-incorrect-'+index); } else { resultSet.markSelectors.push('#'+quizID+ '-correct-'+index); } }); return resultSet; } function initQuizResponse () { $('.correct, .incorrect, .correction, .retry').hide(); } function initQuizMC () { var radios = $('.quiz-input-radio'); if (radios.length) { radios.each(function (i, el) { $(el).prop('checked', false); }); var quizContainer = radios.closest('.quiz'); if (quizContainer.hasClass('quiz-mc') || quizContainer.hasClass('quiz-tf') || quizContainer.hasClass('quiz-dd') || quizContainer.hasClass('quiz-sa')) { quizContainer.on('change', 'input, select', function() { $('#quiz-submit-btn').removeAttr('disabled');'change'); }); } } } function initQuizMatching () { $('#interactive-container .draggable').each(function (i, el) { el = $(el);'orig-left', el[0].style.left);'orig-top', el[0]; }); // get the original positions } function resetQuizData () { $.each(quizGroup, function (i, qg) { $.each(qg.quizes, function (j, q) { delete q.userAnswer; delete q.result; }); }); } function VideoPlayer() { return { vid: null, videoController: null, transcript: [], transcriptTrack: null, transcriptContainer: null, isScrollingTranscriptContainer: false, userScrollTimeout: null, setup: function (params) { var self = this; self.vid = params.vid; self.videoController = params.videoController; self.transcript = params.transcript; self.transcriptContainer = params.transcriptContainer; // console.log(self.vid) // self.vid.controls = true; self.transcript.removeClass('active'); self.videoController.on('click', function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); if (self.vid.readyState < 2) { self.videoController.addClass('loading'); self.vid.load(); return false; } if (self.vid.paused) {; self.videoController.css('opacity', 0); } else { self.vid.pause(); self.videoController.css('opacity', 1); } return false; }); $(window).on('blur', function() { if (self.vid) { self.vid.pause(); self.videoController.css('opacity', 1); } }); self.transcriptContainer.on('scroll', function() { clearTimeout(self.userScrollTimeout); self.userScrollTimeout = null; self.isScrollingTranscriptContainer = true; }); self.transcript.on('click', function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); self.vid.currentTime = parseFloat($(this).data('start'));; self.videoController.css('opacity', 0); }); if ( self.transcriptTrack = requestAnimationFrame(self.trackProgress.bind(self)); self.vid.addEventListener('ended', function() { self.vid.currentTime = 0; self.videoController.css('opacity', 1); }); self.vid.addEventListener('loadeddata', function() { self.videoController.trigger('click'); }); }, trackProgress: function() { // console.log(this); var self = this; if (!self.vid.paused && self.vid.readyState >= 2) { var currentTime = self.vid.currentTime; self.transcript.removeClass(); self.videoController .css('opacity', 0) .removeClass('loading'); $.each(self.transcript, function(index, obj) { var obj = $(obj); var start = parseFloat('start')); var end = parseFloat('end')); if (isNaN(start) || isNaN(end)) return true; if (currentTime > start && currentTime < end) { obj.addClass('active'); return false; } }); if (self.isScrollingTranscriptContainer == false) { // set the scrolling position var activeTranscript = self.transcript.closest('.active'); if (activeTranscript.length) { var top = activeTranscript.position().top - 5; self.transcriptContainer.scrollTop( self.transcriptContainer.scrollTop() + top ); } } else { // wait for 4 sec back to autoscroll if (self.userScrollTimeout == null) { self.userScrollTimeout = setTimeout(function() { self.isScrollingTranscriptContainer = false; self.userScrollTimeout = null; }, 4000); } } } else if (!self.vid.paused) { //console.log('video is loading..'); self.videoController .css('opacity', 1) .addClass('loading'); } // console.log(self); if ( self.transcriptTrack = requestAnimationFrame(self.trackProgress.bind(self)); } } }; // end VideOPlayer jQuery.nl2br = function(varTest){ return varTest.replace(/(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, "
"); };